Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Am Blessed

There have been a few things on my mind lately, so I thought I would clarify the meaning of this blog.  By keeping a list of things that might be fun for me or for my family I am not implying that we don’t have enough or are not grateful for all the wonderful things in our lives. 

With the turmoil of the world right now, I am reminded daily of how lucky and blessed I am.  Every day I am thankful.  


I am thankful for two little boys who are happy and healthy and a husband who puts up with my crazy ideas and daily whims.  I am blessed that I can kiss each of them each night and tuck them into bed knowing we will all be safe. 


 The same is not true for millions around the world.  I recognize that asking for more by keeping a list of “things to do” is a bit selfish.  By no means do I mean to come across as ungrateful.  I couldn’t ask for anything more!  I have the world already.

With that said, this blog is purely fun.  It is a way for us to keep track of fun things that we would like to do.  It is not Earth shattering or rooted in any deeper meaning than just enjoying each other.  It is just a place to record fun little outings. 

So, I hope I can share a few smiles with you.  And connect.  Because in the chaos of the world around us, I truly feel that a connection is all that we are looking for.  Enjoy!


 What I love most about my home is who I share it with.  -Tad Carpenter

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Car Boot Sale Rained Out

Oh I am so disappointed, the Car Boot Sale at Cornerstone has been rained out.  It is no wonder, the rain has been nonstop here in Sonoma.   Well I guess I will have to wait till May.  Big Bummer!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Car Boot Sale

While passing by CornerStone Sonoma on my way home from work the other day, I noticed a new sign that said "Car Boot Sale."  With its cute logo, it caught my eye.  And I am so glad it did because I can't wait!!  The Car Boot Sale is a sort of flee market described as a garage-sale-meets-estate-sale.  I am giddy just thinking about it and really can't wait.  So, this coming weekend, on Sunday from 11am-3pm, you will find me there.  I am crossing my fingers for clear skies.  Plus, I just love this cute logo!  SO EXCITED!


Cornerstone is a pretty cool place.  We spent an evening in December having fun with the many snowmen they lit up for the holidays.

 dscf0097.JPG  dscf0083.JPG

It is so unique, I just love the fun stuff they come up with.  I look forward to more events there!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Daffodil and Irish Days

We spend a lot of our weekends in the summer in Calaveras County near the cute town of Murphys.  Murphys is great for wine tasting, cool little shops and just lazy days in the sun.  This time of year, Ironstone Vineyards has a weekend called Daffodil Days  and it is in conjunction with Murphys Irish Day.  I would love to spend the weekend enjoying the wine and great views of flowering daffodils.  Because we typically camp while we are there, it is too cold to do it now, they still have snow.  But, when the boys older we will have to join in the festivities.  I look forward to it!


photo thanks to photoeverywhere.co.uk

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Date Night

Last week Conn and I had a chance to have a date night.  There are many restaurants in the area that we want to try, so I will probably talk a lot about food in the future, but here are the first few.  Cafe Citte we pass on Highway 12 all the time.  I wanted to stop in, but before we could get there we saw it featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives with Guy Fieri from the Food Network, who also happens to be a local.  The raviolis are made fresh, so we both had those and we were not disappointed.  Yum!


Then, we were off to Estate for dessert.  We sat in the bar and ate gelato and donuts.  Ohh yes, super yummy.  I am a dessert girl.  I could eat dessert for dinner pretty much any time.  This place was very cool and has great ambiance.  Love it!

It was a great date night.  And aside from the yummy food, the company was fantastic too!  Love you Conn!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

I know I have mentioned I am ready for Spring, but I am really ready for the rain to stop.  We have glimpses of sun, which just gets my hopes up.  Then, my bubble is burst and the rain starts again.  Ugh.

What I am really ready for is to start planting some veggies in our garden.  When we moved into this house, there were raised beds already in the backyard.  AWESOME!!  All the benefit and not the work of building the raised beds.


Last year we had so many zucchini, some squash, tomatoes and basil.


We are going to branch out a little this Spring.  I did get some spinach in the ground last weekend, but hope to try some more new things too.  Let me know if you have had luck with something specific.  I am thinking I might try some bean poles.  Not sure yet.  Let me know what you will be growing!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeling Crafty

I am in a crafty mood.  I think I am always in a crafty mood.  I don't have much time for crafts (I wish I had more) but I secretly wish I could turn a room of our house into my own craft room.  Conn doesn't know that.  Well maybe he knows now.   Anyway, I would love to have my sewing machine up all the time to whip up cute little creations here and there.

And I must admit that most of my blog scoping are craft blogs, hence the "Fort" post prior to this one.  I come from a pretty crafty background.  As a kid, my mom would sew my dresses and my grandma would knit me sweaters and now we are always finding new ways to make old furniture look, well, different.

I have two boys, so I can't sew dresses for them, but I came across this Sewing for Boys book when browsing the MADE blog.

She is celebrating boys this month and I just love all the ideas.  So, add it to my bucket list, all of these awesome ideas from lots of different bloggers around the world.  I wish I had more time to try them all.  Till then, I will pick one at a time and try to get a few made.

My goal is to make the boys pants for Easter.  I have a great old sheet I would love to cut into.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Not quite an event, but every kid likes forts.  I built them with my brother when I was a kid and I still love the idea of forts.  So, when I saw this on Saltwater Kids it made me want to make this Fort Kit for KJ.  I LOVE it!  It is definitely on the bucket list.  He is small still, but I know he, EJ and Conn would love it as he gets older.  Boys love forts, big boys and little boys!!



 For now, he uses the kitchen table.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Waiting for Spring

Well, the weather did not hold out for us and I had to work Saturday morning (the only time the sun was shining) but the boys got a good hike in.


Apparently KJ hiked all the way!!  Good job buddy!


Anyway, I missed the sunshine and we didn't get to see the goats, but I decided I was not going to give up on finding some farms...if only online.  So, here is what I found.

Through this guide, there is a specific event called "Weekend Along the Farm Trails" and I would love to go.  The dates aren't posted yet, but I signed up for the monthly online newsletter so I won't miss it.  Yeah!  Sonoma County Farm Trails - Year-Round Guide to Sonoma County Farms

Till then, I am on my own to find some cool farms.  Here are a few I ran across while being rained in:

Peterson's Farm

Dry Creek Peach and Produce
Spring Hill Jersey Cheese Co.

Full House Farm

They all look family friendly and fun, so we will have to remember each of them!  Okay Spring, we are waiting for  your return...


Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Time

A few weeks ago, when the weather was pretending to be Spring, we took a ferry ride to the Farmer's Market at the Ferry Building in SF.  It was great fun!  And I fooled myself into thinking it was Spring.


Since then the weather got cold, but now we are once again experiencing a little bit of nice weather, if only for a few days.  I know the rain is coming back, but I am ready for Spring and checking out some local farms and a few new farmer's markets.  Maybe the reason I have this in my head is because of the article in the Sonoma Index Tribune about goat quadruplets.

I want to go see these little guys.  If we get there this weekend, I will definitely share.  We may be farm bound!

So, if you have any suggestions for local farms, I would love to hear 'em.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Paris, France…You Have to Wait

Many of the blogs I have been reading lately are about France. Design Mom and Oh Happy Day are living the dream, literally living in France!  Very cool!  I have been to Paris and driven through a bit of the countryside, but Conn has never been to France.  I am craving the open air markets, the food, the beautiful scenery and the carefree feeling I have when I am on vacation.  I have to say, this weekend was very far from France.  We were at home trying to recover from all the sicknesses we have had, the amoxicillin was flowing.  So, with France on my mind, fresh cheese and a baguette for a snack, I was very happy when KJ suggested we watch Disney’s Ratatouille.  This might be my favorite most recent Disney movie.  Ahh, Paris, you will have to wait. 

Till then…  


photo thanks to www.moviemobster.com